Current ISPU Data:
PM 10 PM 2.5 SO2 CO O3 NO2 HC
- 51.3 - - - - -
Historical ISPU Data By Date:
Time PM 10 PM 2.5 SO2 CO O3 NO2 HC Category
00:00 - 57.5 - - - - - Moderate
01:00 - 57.5 - - - - - Moderate
02:00 - 57.3 - - - - - Moderate
03:00 - 57.1 - - - - - Moderate
04:00 - 56.9 - - - - - Moderate
05:00 - 56.8 - - - - - Moderate
06:00 - 56.8 - - - - - Moderate
07:00 - 56.8 - - - - - Moderate
08:00 - 56.9 - - - - - Moderate
09:00 - 57.0 - - - - - Moderate
10:00 - 57.0 - - - - - Moderate
11:00 - 56.9 - - - - - Moderate
12:00 - 56.9 - - - - - Moderate
13:00 - 56.8 - - - - - Moderate
14:00 - 56.7 - - - - - Moderate
15:00 - 56.6 - - - - - Moderate
16:00 - 56.4 - - - - - Moderate
17:00 - 56.3 - - - - - Moderate
18:00 - 56.1 - - - - - Moderate
19:00 - 56.0 - - - - - Moderate
20:00 - 55.8 - - - - - Moderate
21:00 - 55.5 - - - - - Moderate
22:00 - 55.2 - - - - - Moderate
23:00 - 54.9 - - - - - Moderate

PM 2.5


Last Update:
26 December 2024 - 21:15

U.S. Department of State Indonesia - South Jakarta


Category description:
0 - 50

The level of air quality that has no effect on human or animal health and has no effect on plants, buildings or aesthetic value.

51 - 100

The level of air quality that has no effect on human or animal health but affects sensitive plants, and aesthetic value.

101 - 199

The level of air quality that is harmful to humans or sensitive animal groups or can cause damage to plants or aesthetic value.

200 - 299
Very Unhealthy

The level of air quality that could be detrimental to health in a number of exposed segments of the population.

300 - 500

Hazardous air quality levels that in general can seriously harm the health of the population.