Green Building Implementation

Action Category:

Green Building Council Indonesia

Jakarta as a metropolitan city has its own challenges in overcoming its environmental impacts, including reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Jakarta Provincial Government has started by changing the concept of a number of government buildings into green buildings while also encouraging the private sector to implement Governor Regulation concerning Green Buildings, which has to be taken from planning, construction, utilization, maintenance, to deconstruction. The technical requirements for green building implementations include energy efficiency, water efficiency, indoor air quality, land and waste management, and efficiency of construction activities. 

Based on the Grand Design Green Building, in 2030 Jakarta is targeted to reduce energy consumption, water consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent respectively.

The Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) sports stadium receives a greenship platinum level in Design Recognition the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) certification body. This Platinum Greenship is the highest level of environmentally friendly building predicate. The Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) which has the slogan ‘Our Stadium’ is the first public space in Indonesia that carries the concept of green building. This FIFA standard stadium is expected to trigger other public spaces in Indonesia to implement the green building concept.